Crockford Carlisle will create and set up a remarketing campaign so that visitors to your site will be “followed” around the internet on popular Australian websites (such as with YOUR ad, enticing them back to your site.
Remarketing is an extremely targeted and cost-effective way to re-connect with potential customers who have already been to your site — but who were not ready to buy just yet… or who were side-tracked by a crying baby, rumbling tummy or a thousand other things.
Getting them back that one-more-time will deepen their trust, and increase your conversions for more profit.
A secondary result of remarketing is that it will increase your brand presence; even if website searchers don’t immediately buy from you or click on your ad, at least they’ve seen it.
This will have a residual effect. Because they’ve seen your ad frequently, you’ll have ‘top of mind’ awareness.