OZ Excavator Buckets
eDMs bring good news for OZ Excavator Buckets
The challenge
OZ Excavator Buckets is a Brisbane manufacturer of quality excavator attachments. Faced with increasing competition from cheap, sometimes low quality imported buckets, they needed to communicate the benefits of ‘buying local’ to an audience of time-poor, extremely busy, price conscious business operators. They turned to Crockford Carlisle for help.
The solution
Crockford Carlisle designed and developed a series of regular eDMs (electronic direct mail, or emailed newsletters) called ‘The Scoop’, specifically designed to appeal to OZ Buckets’ audience.
Using our expertise in crafting email subject lines, writing engaging content, and sending eDMs at the right day and time for maximum impact, Crockford Carlisle helped get OZ Excavator Buckets’ message effectively out into the market.
The results
Crockford Carlisle helped OZ Excavator Buckets achieve email open rates three times higher than the industry average, and click-through rates (CTR) three to five times higher than the industry average. Thanks to this high readership and engagement, the quality content has helped cement OZ Buckets’ positioning as the leading supplier of excavator attachments in Brisbane.