Wickham Terrace Dental
A healthier new website for Wickham Terrace Dental
The challenge
In the competitive world of dentistry, Wickham Terrace Dental needed to outshine a multitude of competitor practices, all aiming to gain business in Brisbane’s CBD. While their existing website (not designed by Crockford Carlisle but with content managed by us) was working well, there was an opportunity for a custom-designed website that would truly convey the Wickham Terrace Dental difference to their existing and potential patients.
The solution
Crockford Carlisle designed and developed a new custom WordPress website. Easy to navigate, content-rich, and very simple to update, the site fully reflects and enhances our client’s brand.
The addition of custom photography of the Wickham Terrace Dental team adds crucial authenticity to the user experience. Informative, comprehensive content and an active blog page keep the website fresh and educate patients about the latest new dental procedures.
The results
The new Wickham Terrace Dental website has received very favourable feedback, while maintaining their excellent search rankings. Wickham Terrace Dental currently have a whopping 46 ‘long tail’ keywords ranking in the top ten Google search results – an outstanding result in a very crowded field.

"If you are a Brisbane dentist please stop reading now... Three years ago we were needing to hire an associate dentist, but we were in the sticky situation of having too much work for one dentist, but nowhere near enough to justify another one full-time. After a phone call with Jerry we knew we had to give Crockford Carlisle a go and we haven't looked back. Jerry and his amazing team have reengineered our website and taken our AdWords and SEO to the next level. We don't know their secret sauce, but it has consistently kept us on the first spot or first page of every keyword we care about. The investment in a professional marketing team has been instrumental to our current success and continual expansion of our dental practice. Crockford Carlisle has guided our marketing strategy and we are so impressed with their passion and enthusiasm to keep at the forefront of the rapidly changing marketing industry. Obviously they work as a team but we have also been lucky to work closely with Steve who has consistently amazed us with his ability to pick up the technical aspects of dentistry and translate the jargon into normal-speak. It also needs to be mentioned how much fun it is to work with Jerry and Steve. They always make any strategy meeting a super-productive session punctuated with all too many laughs. Couldn't recommend more highly... unless you're a competing dental practice."
Dr Andrew Teakle, Principal Dentist and Bernadette Vincent, Practice Manager
Wickham Terrace Dental