In it for the long haul for Dust-A-Side Australia
The challenge
Dust-a-Side are a major player internationally in the field of dust control, particularly on haul roads and mining sites in South Africa and South America. However, in Australia they were virtually unheard-of. So it was up to Crockford Carlisle to get them off the ground, so to speak, by giving them a strong online presence. The challenge was compounded by the mining downturn and the need for Dust-a-Side Australia to diversify into other fields.
The solution
Crockford Carlisle created a strongly branded new website that made it clear that DAS are not only dust suppression specialists, but also “proven to outperform” in erosion control and road stabilisation as well…not just in mining, but for a host of industries.
The results
Early days still, but analytics reveal that tracked keywords are moving steadily up the ranks.
Our client is well pleased with his new website and the way CC are continuing to add a steady stream of pertinent blogs and premium content to his site, thus adding to Dust-a-Side’s credibility as an authority in the Australian market.